

Achieve the Body of Your Dreams This Year With WarmSculpting™ With SculpSure®

If you’re still having a hard time trimming down those problem areas of fat, even after dieting and exercise, there’s a treatment that can get you there. WarmSculpting™ with SculpSure® is a highly sought-after body contouring treatment that takes your body to a place that you may not be able to get to with diet and

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The Link Between Diabetes and Obesity

Approximately 90% of people who have type 2 diabetes are obese. The two conditions are linked in some ways that clinicians understand and in some that they’re still in the process of uncovering. If you have questions about the link between diabetes, obesity, and your health, our knowledgeable team here at High Rock Internal Medicine is ready to answer

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Spots, Scars, and Stretch Marks: Lasers Can Treat Them All

Have you been trying to banish your spots, scars, and stretch marks, but they don’t respond to creams and gels? Many topicals offer big promises, but the truth is that over-the-counter products can’t make significant modifications to your skin. If they could, they would be labeled as drugs. Also, over-the-counter topicals aren’t tightly regulated, and

Spots, Scars, and Stretch Marks: Lasers Can Treat Them All Read More »